★ ★ ★ ★ ★

We had always want­ed to vis­it Deia, drawn by the dra­ma of the set­ting with both moun­tains and seascapes.
2020 has been an extra­or­di­nary year for main­ly neg­a­tive rea­sons but one pos­i­tive expe­ri­ence that casts shade on all the malaise of the year was the last minute dis­cov­ery of Son Jazmin and a deci­sion to switch our planned hol­i­day in Por­tu­gal to Mal­lor­ca (pre-quar­an­tine mea­sures being put in place!) We had the most won­der­ful stay. The house real­ly is a home from home with every detail so well con­sid­ered — from a kitchen that has every gad­get you can imag­ine to the high­est qual­i­ty sheets and pil­lows to an easy to use util­i­ty room mean­ing the post hol­i­day wash­ing pile isn’t an issue.
Then the set­ting, it just evokes jaw drop­ping pho­to oppor­tu­ni­ties at every angle. Swim­ming in the pool watch­ing the yachts sail by, cook­ing for a sup­per at home with the win­dows wide open watch­ing the sun set, break­fast on the ter­race and wak­ing up and gaz­ing at the end­less shades of blue merg­ing sky and sea on the hori­zon through the mas­ter bed­room win­dow. We all fell in love with Son Jazmin this sum­mer and hope to return back to it’s warm embrace as soon as we can. The mem­o­ries are worth every day of our two week quar­an­tine now we are home, I only wish we could have stayed longer! 

A big thank you for look­ing after us so well to Heather and Mya!