★ ★ ★ ★ ★

There was only one prob­lem with Son Jazmin – too many deci­sions. Which patio shall we use this evening to watch the blaz­ing sun van­ish over the Mediter­ranean hori­zon? Where shall we eat tonight? – some­where swish and spoilt for choice in Deia like Jose­f’s (Es Raco d’teix), Sebas­tian’s, or Nama… or maybe a stroll down to the cove, where Robert Graves used to swim, and some­thing a bit more casu­al but equal­ly deli­cious at C’as Patro March, where they filmed scenes for The Night Man­ag­er appar­ent­ly. Or what about a day out – will it be a stroll along Soller mari­na and an al fres­co lunch or what seems like a jour­ney to the bot­tom of the sea in Palma’s huge and extra­or­di­nary fish mar­ket. Seri­ous­ly, this is a slice of heav­en, a lux­u­ry vil­la, perched on a Deia hill­side, with beau­ti­ful seclud­ed gar­dens and ter­rac­ing but open­ing out with a spec­tac­u­lar sea view. Styl­ish and spot­less, it felt like your every need had been antic­i­pat­ed and delivered.

We loved this place.