★ ★ ★ ★ ★

This was our first time in Mal­lor­ca and we had noticed the house on this web­site a cou­ple of years pre­vi­ous­ly but it was always booked when we want­ed to go. How­ev­er we spot­ted a week free in August this year and booked in January.
We have gen­er­al­ly rent­ed sim­i­lar style hous­es in France or Tus­cany but this house topped the lot. It is superbly appoint­ed, very pri­vate and, at most, a 15 minute stroll into Deia where there is an abun­dance of real­ly good restau­rants and a great lit­tle supermarket/bakery.
How­ev­er, to sit on the ter­race in the evening and watch the sun set with a glass of bub­bly is hard to sur­pass and so (unusu­al­ly for us!) we ate in on a num­ber of evenings because the set­ting, against a back­ground of the sun­set, was too beau­ti­ful to miss!.
Before the start of our hol­i­day, we had decid­ed that we would go back to a love­ly house in Mou­g­ins next year. How­ev­er by day 3 of our stay in Mal­lor­ca we had done a com­plete U turn, con­tact­ed Heather and booked a fort­night next August!!
As for restau­rants, unfor­tu­nate­ly the well renowned Chi­nese was closed in August but we had superb meals at Sebas­t­ian, El Oli­vo and Es Raco d’es Teix as well as Sa Vinya at half the price of the others.
