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As this was our sec­ond stay at Son Jazmin we had the extra plea­sure of know­ing exact­ly what to look for­ward to for months in advance! This is a fan­tas­tic vil­la in an unbeat­able loca­tion with amaz­ing views. Every­thing is main­tained in an immac­u­late con­di­tion both inside and out. The pool and ter­races are idyl­lic areas in which to unwind and look for­ward to either strolling into Deia for a meal in one of the many restau­rants avail­able or make use of the superb facil­i­ties in Heather’s kitchen to eat at home. There is plen­ty of use­ful infor­ma­tion in the vil­la regard­ing things to see and do in the area and we found the assis­tance of Mya invalu­able in arrang­ing a friend­ly taxi ser­vice for us to and from Pal­ma air­port at a very rea­son­able rate. 

This is a beau­ti­ful place to take a lux­u­ri­ous break and we are already look­ing for­ward to com­ing back again.