★ ★ ★ ★ ★

We agree with all the 5* com­ments made by pre­vi­ous review­ers. Son Jazmin cer­tain­ly sur­passed our expec­ta­tions and we enjoyed a won­der­ful­ly relax­ing and mem­o­rable week — so much so, that we have since rebooked for 2019.
Thank you Heather for allow­ing us to stay in your very styl­ish, spa­cious and lux­u­ri­ous vil­la — per­fect for two cou­ples or an extend­ed fam­i­ly. We appre­ci­at­ed all the work, design, décor and atten­tion to detail that has gone into Son Jazmin. Every­thing was top-notch and just so very comfortable.
We loved all the var­i­ous out­side ter­races, the sea and moun­tain views, the spring plant­i­ng and the fab­u­lous heat­ed pool. To be able to swim sur­round­ed by such stun­ning scenery dur­ing the first week in April, was just bliss. The top ter­race is also a real sun­trap and just so pri­vate with only the don­key to watch us.
As for charm­ing Deia, the vil­lage shop has every­thing you might need and the num­ber and vari­ety of restau­rants with­in walk­ing dis­tance is excel­lent. We tried many dur­ing our stay, with Sebas­tians being our favourite. Do not miss hav­ing lunch at Café Miro, La Res­i­den­cia. It is a must just to expe­ri­ence La Res­i­den­ci­a’s won­der­ful set­ting, gar­dens and views.
We did not need a car and explored fur­ther afield by catch­ing the excel­lent local bus. The bus stop is just a few min­utes walk away at the bot­tom of the hill and costs less than 2euros to vis­it scenic Valldemossa and Soller. We also caught the tram from Soller to Port de Soller, which is a fun and easy thing to do and would have caught the lit­tle train to Pal­ma if there had been more time.
Last­ly, book­ing with the own­er (Heather) was quick, friend­ly and effi­cient. She even organ­ised our taxi trans­fers to and from the air­port, which also helped to make our stay total­ly stress free. The clean­ers did an excel­lent job and the local house­keep­er met us on arrival and was extreme­ly help­ful, infor­ma­tive and only a text mes­sage away.

We high­ly rec­om­mend Son Jazmin and the beau­ti­ful, tran­quil Deia area. A won­der­ful find and we can’t wait to return.