★ ★ ★ ★ ★

We had the most gor­geous week at Son Jazmin in August this year. The vil­la is in the per­fect loca­tion for walk­ing into Deia and sight­see­ing near­by at Valdemossa, Sóller & For­na­lutx. The house has the most amaz­ing views from the numer­ous ter­races and a love­ly pool which our chil­dren loved. The prop­er­ty is home­ly and very well stocked with all you could need. All con­tact with the owners/reps was excel­lent and ensured a com­fort­able stay. We will def­i­nite­ly be vis­it­ing again in the future! Thank you so much. 

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

The vil­la is every bit as good as it looks in the pic­tures. Out­side is just amaz­ing with the pool and var­i­ous seat­ing areas and sea views. Inside it is fit­ted out with first class fur­ni­ture fittings/appliances. No crit­i­cisms what­so­ev­er and we loved the place.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

We have been vis­it­ing Son Jazmin at least once a year since 2013 (except for 2020 obvi­ous­ly!) It is quite sim­ply our favourite place to spend our pre­cious fam­i­ly hol­i­days and we are very hap­py that Heather and Ter­ry allow us to ‘bor­row’ their won­der­ful home. And that is exact­ly what Son Jazmin is — a home from home. We relax from the moment we first walk up the steps and turn to take in the view. The house and gar­den are beau­ti­ful­ly main­tained and spot­less­ly clean. Every year we spot improve­ments and enhance­ments, which means that Son Jazmin is even more com­fort­able and well-equipped than it was eleven years ago. All the fix­tures and fit­tings, and fur­nish­ings are of top qual­i­ty, not usu­al­ly the case in our expe­ri­ence of hol­i­day vil­las! No mat­ter how many weeks we spend there we always strug­gle to tear our­selves away at the end of our stay. 

Deia is a love­ly vil­lage with great restau­rants and local super­mar­kets but, to be hon­est, most of our evenings are spent on the din­ing ter­race at the vil­la watch­ing the mag­nif­i­cent sun­sets, dif­fer­ent every evening. We have already made a life­time of hap­py mem­o­ries at Son Jazmin and look for­ward to mak­ing even more in the com­ing years. Thank you, Heather and Terry.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

This prop­er­ty was exact­ly as described — com­fort­able, well appoint­ed, just won­der­ful! We stayed in Deia before but had not expe­ri­enced the sun­sets we were able to enjoy this year — being high­er, had breath­tak­ing views of the Mediter­ranean — we were spoiled with 2 weeks full of won­der! Thank you Heather for being such a thought­ful host — sur­pris­ing us with flow­ers and cham­pagne on our wed­ding anniver­sary day! — we hope to be back one day.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Last week we returned to Son Jazmin vil­la. The prop­er­ty was, as always, immac­u­late. This was our 4th vis­it and we can­not say enough about the vil­la. Heather has thought of every­thing. Deia is just a short walk from the vil­la and there are sev­er­al won­der­ful walk­ing trails close by. We will return again and again!!!