★ ★ ★ ★ ★

The vil­la is every bit as good as it looks in the pic­tures. Out­side is just amaz­ing with the pool and var­i­ous seat­ing areas and sea views. Inside it is fit­ted out with first class fur­ni­ture fittings/appliances. No crit­i­cisms what­so­ev­er and we loved the place.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

This prop­er­ty was exact­ly as described — com­fort­able, well appoint­ed, just won­der­ful! We stayed in Deia before but had not expe­ri­enced the sun­sets we were able to enjoy this year — being high­er, had breath­tak­ing views of the Mediter­ranean — we were spoiled with 2 weeks full of won­der! Thank you Heather for being such a thought­ful host — sur­pris­ing us with flow­ers and cham­pagne on our wed­ding anniver­sary day! — we hope to be back one day.