Availability & Rates

Rate fromRate toPrice

Sat 2nd Novem­ber 2024Sat 21st December£2,750
Sat 21st Decem­ber 2024Sat 4th Jan­u­ary 2025£3,250
Sat 4th Jan­u­ary 2025Sat 5th April £3,000
Sat 5th April 2025Sat 3rd May£4,200
Sat 3rd May 2025Sat 28th June £5,600
Sat 28th June 2025Sat 30th August£6,300
Sat 30th August 2025Sat 4th October£5,600
Sat 4th Octo­ber 2025Sat 8th November£4,200
Sat 8th Novem­ber 2025Sat 20th Decem­ber 2025£3,250

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Booking notes

  • The rates above are per week for up to 4 peo­ple includ­ing pool heat­ing from the first Sat­ur­day in April to the first Sat­ur­day in November.
  • Please add £400 for each addi­tion­al per­son, with a max­i­mum occu­pan­cy of 6 peo­ple, sub­ject to the own­ers consent.
  • Week­ly rental is nor­mal­ly from 3.00 pm on Sat­ur­day with check out at 10 am. The prop­er­ty may not be suit­able babies, tod­dlers, young chil­dren or any­one with walk­ing dif­fi­cul­ties due to its con­struc­tion on 4 dif­fer­ent lev­els with steps, bal­conies and an unfenced pool with­out a shal­low end.
  • Please note that we do not accept groups of 6 adults unless they are fam­i­ly members.
  • IS YOUR PASSPORT VALID? The EU require your pass­port to have at least 6 months remain­ing 10 years from the START date on your pass­port, NOT the expiry date. You can check if your pass­port is valid for trav­el here: https://www.gov.uk/check-a-passport-travel-europe