★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Over the past few years Son Jazmin has become a won­der­ful hol­i­day home for our fam­i­ly of four includ­ing two young teenagers. We absolute­ly love our hol­i­days here in this beau­ti­ful set­ting. The vil­la is stun­ning and very com­fort­able. The kids stay in the two rooms down­stairs and we enjoy the beau­ti­ful view from the mas­ter bed­room upstairs. The vil­la has a large, pri­vate and nice­ly heat­ed pool, var­ied ter­races for every occa­sion and time of day, great beds, top end kitchen and most of all won­der­ful views and fan­tas­tic sun­sets. The loca­tion could­n’t be bet­ter — very peace­ful but still close to every­thing. There is a short walk to Deia vil­lage along a light­ed board­walk — and a 20 min. hike to the small beach with a great restau­rant for lunch. We nev­er use the car. Deia has many great restau­rants and a small but well-stocked super­mar­ket. Heather is love­ly to work with and the prop­er­ty man­agers are both friend­ly and efficient. 

We strong­ly rec­om­mend this superb hol­i­day home on Mal­lor­ca, and we look very much for­ward to return­ing twice next year.