★ ★ ★ ★ ★

We first came to Mal­lor­ca 10 years ago to stay at the world famous Hotel La Res­i­den­cia in Deia and fell in love with the village!
We have returned to Deia every year since then and have been stay­ing at Son Jazmin for the last 5 years (hav­ing dis­cov­ered it when La Res­i­den­cia was being ren­o­vat­ed and we decid­ed to look for a lux­u­ri­ous vil­la with a swim­ming pool!)
It is always a wor­ry book­ing a hol­i­day prop­er­ty for the first time, but you will not be dis­ap­point­ed by Son Jazmin!
The vil­la is beau­ti­ful­ly dec­o­rat­ed and fur­nished (and extreme­ly well main­tained) with every pos­si­ble need tak­en care of; it has a large pool, is in a stun­ning sun­ny loca­tion with fab­u­lous moun­tain and sea views and is just a 15 minute walk/5 minute dri­ve from the vil­lage of Deia with a gro­cery store, phar­ma­cy, lit­tle gift shops and won­der­ful restaurants,La Res­i­den­cia and Patricia’s are our favourites for lunch and Sebas­tians and Jaume our favourites for dinner!

We can­not imag­ine a more per­fect place to relax and unwind than at Son Jazmin and hope to stay at the vil­la for many more years to come!