★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Son Jazmin was every­thing we expect­ed and more. The weath­er for most of Jan­u­ary 2015 was warm and cool. Out­stand­ing cus­tomer ser­vice. We nev­er want­ed to leave the prop­er­ty, let alone the mas­ter bed­room with it’s Mediter­ranean view from the four poster bed. Ear­ly evenings, spent with our wine, on one of the decks watch­ing the sun set . Every morn­ing we picked up our crois­sants in Deja! Pal­ma de Major­ca was a 25 minute dri­ve which we did often. 

I cried when we left because Son Jazmin had become home. It’s a very spe­cial place. Please let us vis­it again soon.