★ ★ ★ ★ ★

This is quite sim­ply the best hol­i­day prop­er­ty we have ever rent­ed. From the moment we arrived we felt relaxed and com­fort­able. It was beau­ti­ful­ly pre­pared and spot­less­ly clean for our arrival. The house man­ag­er was friend­ly and help­ful, and the pro­vi­sions and cham­pagne a love­ly touch. And things only got bet­ter! The house is appoint­ed with high qual­i­ty appli­ances and fix­tures; the kitchen has every­thing you could pos­si­bly need. We could bare­ly tear our­selves away from the sun­sets in the evening to eat in the vil­lage so we did a lot of cook­ing and we could always find exact­ly what we need­ed (with the pos­si­ble excep­tion of a large jug for home-made san­gria!) The pool was heat­ed to the per­fect tem­per­a­ture for ear­ly morn­ing swims, the per­fect anti­dote to the love­ly bread and pas­tries from the vil­lage shop! The gar­dens are so beau­ti­ful­ly and dis­creet­ly main­tained; we’ve nev­er seen so many gor­geous pots of flow­ers. And the views are sub­lime. We watched the sun pop up over the moun­tains in the morn­ing, then had a grand­stand view of it set­ting in the evening, and every evening was dif­fer­ent from the last. 

We can’t wait to return to Son Jazmin (hope­ful­ly for many years to come), our new favourite place!