
“When we found Son Jazmin we found Paradise!!”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Son Jazmin is total­ly fault­less, the prop­er­ty, the views, the area. We arrived and felt like we were in anoth­er world, each time we go back it always feels like the first time.
We are in total awe of this lux­u­ri­ous vil­la and the beau­ty that sur­rounds it, we feel hon­oured to get the oppor­tu­ni­ty to stay in such a mag­nif­i­cent home. 

Thank you X

Review by
Wendy & Paul Harrison
Date of stay
Monday 4th Jul 2016

“The Best Villa in Deia.”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I’m very reluc­tant to write this review because I would quite like to keep Son Jazmin to myself! I have been very for­tu­nate to stay in some beau­ti­ful des­ti­na­tions all over the world and I have to say that this Vil­la is up there with the best. I am a glass half emp­ty sort of a girl and I can usu­al­ly find some­thing to com­plain about or crit­i­cise but this place is per­fect in every way. The pho­tos of the Vil­la don’t real­ly do it jus­tice, it is even more beau­ti­ful than it looks. The own­ers Heather and Ter­ry main­tain the prop­er­ty so well, it’s like stay­ing at one of the best 5 star hotels but with bet­ter views. 

I did not want to leave!

Review by
Lizzie Dumbledon - Cambridgeshire
Date of stay
Monday 4th Jul 2016

“Fabulous villa in a beautiful location”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Over the past few years Son Jazmin has become a won­der­ful hol­i­day home for our fam­i­ly of four includ­ing two young teenagers. We absolute­ly love our hol­i­days here in this beau­ti­ful set­ting. The vil­la is stun­ning and very com­fort­able. The kids stay in the two rooms down­stairs and we enjoy the beau­ti­ful view from the mas­ter bed­room upstairs. The vil­la has a large, pri­vate and nice­ly heat­ed pool, var­ied ter­races for every occa­sion and time of day, great beds, top end kitchen and most of all won­der­ful views and fan­tas­tic sun­sets. The loca­tion could­n’t be bet­ter — very peace­ful but still close to every­thing. There is a short walk to Deia vil­lage along a light­ed board­walk — and a 20 min. hike to the small beach with a great restau­rant for lunch. We nev­er use the car. Deia has many great restau­rants and a small but well-stocked super­mar­ket. Heather is love­ly to work with and the prop­er­ty man­agers are both friend­ly and efficient. 

We strong­ly rec­om­mend this superb hol­i­day home on Mal­lor­ca, and we look very much for­ward to return­ing twice next year.

Review by
Anette Ahm - Denmark
Date of stay
Sunday 22nd May 2016

“The most beautiful property we have ever stayed in!”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

It is impos­si­ble to fault Son Jazmin. This prop­er­ty is absolute heav­en. The own­ers have gone to so much effort to make it absolute­ly top notch. No cor­ners have been cut, no expense spared — from the incred­i­ble bed­ding, White Com­pa­ny prod­ucts in each bath­room, a fan­tas­tic top end kitchen to end­less delight­ful open spaces to relax and take in the mag­nif­i­cent view. Tru­ly, it’s heav­en on earth. When we first walked into the prop­er­ty, it lit­er­al­ly took our breath away. The moment you arrive, you feel relaxed, on cloud nine and com­plete­ly at home. It was very dif­fi­cult to say good­bye to Son Jazmin after our two week hol­i­day and I know that we will return time and time again. You nev­er tire of the sun set­ting on the sea direct­ly in front of the house each night. 

So spe­cial and mag­i­cal. We feel like we struck gold dis­cov­er­ing Son Jazmin.

Review by
Ros & Andy Williams - London
Date of stay
Monday 3rd Aug 2015

“True idyllic 5 star luxury property in dream location!”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

We have been going to the stun­ning moun­tain vil­lage of Deia for 20 years and stayed in many prop­er­ties. This beats them all — the most stun­ning views, bou­tique style accom­mo­da­tion mar­ried with a true feel­ing of being at home. Every com­fort catered for, var­ied ter­races, beau­ti­ful pool, out­door din­ing with unsur­pass­able views, ever­thing and more than its descrip­tion — a kitchen to die for and beds that are bliss. 

Return­ing for our 3rd vis­it this year and total­ly spoilt now to ever return to any oth­er prop­er­ty — beyond high­ly recommended.

Review by
David Sheard - Hove, East Sussex
Date of stay
Wednesday 1st Jul 2015

“Utterly brilliant!”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

It’s tak­en us 2 months to write a review since we are sore­ly tempt­ed to keep this piece of par­adise well and tru­ly to our­selves. Self­ish but true. You will want for noth­ing in and out of the vil­la, atten­tion to detail is excep­tion­al, clear­ly the own­ers have put their heart and soul into mak­ing a beau­ti­ful home. 

We can only thank them for shar­ing it and booked for next year before we left!

Review by
Kathie & David - Aldbury, Herts.
Date of stay
Friday 12th Jun 2015

“Our Month at Son Jazmin January 2015”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Son Jazmin was every­thing we expect­ed and more. The weath­er for most of Jan­u­ary 2015 was warm and cool. Out­stand­ing cus­tomer ser­vice. We nev­er want­ed to leave the prop­er­ty, let alone the mas­ter bed­room with it’s Mediter­ranean view from the four poster bed. Ear­ly evenings, spent with our wine, on one of the decks watch­ing the sun set . Every morn­ing we picked up our crois­sants in Deja! Pal­ma de Major­ca was a 25 minute dri­ve which we did often. 

I cried when we left because Son Jazmin had become home. It’s a very spe­cial place. Please let us vis­it again soon.

Review by
Jim & Eleanor - Vancouver, Canada
Date of stay
Tuesday 9th Jun 2015

“Son Jazmin is Idyllic”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Son Jazmin is per­fect. Every room and every ter­race has an amaz­ing view of the sea.
The house is spa­cious with com­fort­able fur­ni­ture and excel­lent appli­ances. Every­thing worked to per­fec­tion. The local man­ag­er was most help­ful and the own­ers made every­thing easy.

My wife and I rec­om­mend Son Jazmin with­out reservation.

Review by
Marty & Susie - California
Date of stay
Thursday 19th Mar 2015

“A Real Treasure”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Son Jazmin is an absolute trea­sure to stay in. Every­thing about it is top-notch, from the views and fur­nish­ings to the lay­out of the vil­la itself with the many sit­ting areas to gath­er, relax and unwind. We enjoyed strolling to the vil­lage store for pas­tries every morn­ing where we received many help­ful tips regard­ing the dif­fer­ent out­door excur­sions we were think­ing of par­tic­i­pat­ing in. Heather and her man­age­ment com­pa­ny are won­der­ful to work with and they pro­vide infor­ma­tion on just about every­thing from the vil­la itself to area restau­rants which makes the entire process of rent­ing Son Jazmin almost fool-proof.

Review by
Sandra & Kurt - New York
Date of stay
Thursday 27th Nov 2014

“Amazing house and location”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

This was our first time in Mal­lor­ca and we had noticed the house on this web­site a cou­ple of years pre­vi­ous­ly but it was always booked when we want­ed to go. How­ev­er we spot­ted a week free in August this year and booked in January.
We have gen­er­al­ly rent­ed sim­i­lar style hous­es in France or Tus­cany but this house topped the lot. It is superbly appoint­ed, very pri­vate and, at most, a 15 minute stroll into Deia where there is an abun­dance of real­ly good restau­rants and a great lit­tle supermarket/bakery.
How­ev­er, to sit on the ter­race in the evening and watch the sun set with a glass of bub­bly is hard to sur­pass and so (unusu­al­ly for us!) we ate in on a num­ber of evenings because the set­ting, against a back­ground of the sun­set, was too beau­ti­ful to miss!.
Before the start of our hol­i­day, we had decid­ed that we would go back to a love­ly house in Mou­g­ins next year. How­ev­er by day 3 of our stay in Mal­lor­ca we had done a com­plete U turn, con­tact­ed Heather and booked a fort­night next August!!
As for restau­rants, unfor­tu­nate­ly the well renowned Chi­nese was closed in August but we had superb meals at Sebas­t­ian, El Oli­vo and Es Raco d’es Teix as well as Sa Vinya at half the price of the others.


Review by
Chris & Anne - Oldham
Date of stay
Tuesday 7th Oct 2014

“Beautiful villa in an excellent location”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

We had a fan­tas­tic hol­i­day at Son Jazmin. The vil­la was beau­ti­ful and extreme­ly well equipped. The loca­tion was qui­et with amaz­ing sea views and per­fect for the bars and restau­rants in Deia. 

We will def­i­nite­ly be back!

Review by
Francesca & David Wright - London
Date of stay
Friday 5th Sep 2014

“Paradise in Deia!”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

We had the most amaz­ing hol­i­day in this beau­ti­ful vil­la. There is some­thing mag­i­cal about this place and we can­not wait to return. Every­thing is spot­less and of extreme­ly high qual­i­ty. The own­er and man­ag­er were both extreme­ly helpful. 

It is dif­fi­cult to put into words how spe­cial it is!

Review by
Dawn & Nicholas - Kent
Date of stay
Tuesday 12th Aug 2014