★ ★ ★ ★ ★

We were very impressed with the descrip­tion and pho­tographs of Son Jazmin and they cer­tain­ly lived up to their billing. The vil­la is taste­ful­ly and styl­ish­ly fur­nished with stun­ning views from its many ter­races. The views of the moun­tains from the love­ly pool area are almost as enthralling as the sea views at the front. The prop­er­ty man­ag­er is very help­ful and but a text mes­sage away. The walk to the vil­lage is approx­i­mate­ly 20 min­utes and impor­tant­ly is very safe along a light­ed path and board­walk. It was love­ly to be able to walk back under the stars from dinner. 

This was, with­out doubt, one of the nicest vil­las we have ever stayed in.