★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Shel­tered by the rugged moun­tains behind, and the spec­tac­u­lar sea views in front, Son Jazmin is in a stun­ning and peace­ful location.
The vil­la is beau­ti­ful on the out­side, with ter­races on dif­fer­ent lev­els from which to savour the glo­ri­ous views. The accom­mo­da­tion inside is lux­u­ri­ous and spa­cious, and with the finest bed-linen and tow­els. We appre­ci­at­ed the wood-burn­ing stove and cen­tral heat­ing on chilly evenings.
The dream kitchen is so well-equipped, includ­ing a Nespres­so machine – thank you!
We did plen­ty of walk­ing in and around Deia, includ­ing up to the church and down to the beach. The whole area here is mag­i­cal, like step­ping way back into the past.
We bought loaves of rus­ti­ca bread (as good as in France), every day, from the local well stocked mini-mar­ket in Deia vil­lage. They sell fresh­ly made exquis­ite pies and piz­zas as well.
The restau­rant Es Raco d’es Teix (also known as Josef’s) is rec­om­mend­ed; we had their 6 course lunch – the food here matched many fine Paris restaurants.

Our week here in Novem­ber was so spe­cial that we have booked to come again in April and we are count­ing the days until our return.…