★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I’m very reluc­tant to write this review because I would quite like to keep Son Jazmin to myself! I have been very for­tu­nate to stay in some beau­ti­ful des­ti­na­tions all over the world and I have to say that this Vil­la is up there with the best. I am a glass half emp­ty sort of a girl and I can usu­al­ly find some­thing to com­plain about or crit­i­cise but this place is per­fect in every way. The pho­tos of the Vil­la don’t real­ly do it jus­tice, it is even more beau­ti­ful than it looks. The own­ers Heather and Ter­ry main­tain the prop­er­ty so well, it’s like stay­ing at one of the best 5 star hotels but with bet­ter views. 

I did not want to leave!