★ ★ ★ ★ ★

It is impos­si­ble to fault Son Jazmin. This prop­er­ty is absolute heav­en. The own­ers have gone to so much effort to make it absolute­ly top notch. No cor­ners have been cut, no expense spared — from the incred­i­ble bed­ding, White Com­pa­ny prod­ucts in each bath­room, a fan­tas­tic top end kitchen to end­less delight­ful open spaces to relax and take in the mag­nif­i­cent view. Tru­ly, it’s heav­en on earth. When we first walked into the prop­er­ty, it lit­er­al­ly took our breath away. The moment you arrive, you feel relaxed, on cloud nine and com­plete­ly at home. It was very dif­fi­cult to say good­bye to Son Jazmin after our two week hol­i­day and I know that we will return time and time again. You nev­er tire of the sun set­ting on the sea direct­ly in front of the house each night. 

So spe­cial and mag­i­cal. We feel like we struck gold dis­cov­er­ing Son Jazmin.