★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Son Jazmin was ide­al for us. It is in a stun­ning loca­tion with the ancient and inter­est­ing town of Deia just min­utes down the road. The ele­va­tion and result­ing views are superb and the house itself has won­der­ful pri­vate, shel­tered, sun­ny or shady out­side areas so you can pick and choose as the mood and day takes you. It was real­ly well appoint­ed, gen­er­ous­ly stocked, well laid out and an absolute plea­sure to stay in. We were there alone as a cou­ple for part of the time and joined by anoth­er cou­ple on oth­er days. It worked per­fect­ly well in both sce­nar­ios. We had not been to Mal­lor­ca before but spent a good time explor­ing and always loved get­ting home to this area. We would def­i­nite­ly head back to the tran­quil­i­ty and beau­ty of this part of the island and also to Son jazmin if it was avail­able when we return- which we cer­tain­ly will. I have no crit­i­cism of the place what­so­ev­er. The dri­ve takes a lit­tle nego­ti­at­ing at first, but just like the Mal­lor­can roads around here — it was fun to master.
There are won­der­ful restau­rants near­by with our favourite being Es Raco des Teix close­ly fol­lowed by Sebastians. 

We will be back!