★ ★ ★ ★ ★

We have been com­ing to Son Jazmin now for 6 years and have just returned from our most recent vis­it. This is the loveli­est vil­la we have stayed in by some way, and on sev­er­al counts. It is set in the love­ly vil­lage of Deia which is with­in easy walk­ing reach of the vil­la and offers plen­ty of places to eat and drink from cheap and cheer­ful to restau­rants of the high­est cal­i­bre and a fab­u­lous restau­rant down on the beach which is a bit more of a walk but worth it for the breath­tak­ing views. As for the vil­la itself, the own­ers not only main­tain it beaut­ful­ly, but there is some­thing new to enjoy every year — some sort of improve­ment or addi­tion. The views are spec­tac­u­lar — a won­der­ful mix­ture of sea and moun­tains — and every night there is a dif­fer­ent but always stun­ning sun­set. It feels like some­one’s home rather than a hol­i­day rental and it is com­pre­he­sive­ly equipped. The own­ers are very sen­si­tive to feed­back and if there has ever been a prob­lem or if we felt things could be improved by an extra piece of equip­ment in the kitchen or some­such they are quick and pos­i­tive in their response. The beds here are more com­fort­able than ours at home and it is thanks to Son Jazmin that we now have a top­per at home! 

We hope to be return­ing for as long as the delight­ful and friend­ly own­ers allow us!