★ ★ ★ ★ ★

We enjoyed a fab­u­lous week at Son Jazmin in mid-Octo­ber when the weath­er was excep­tion­al­ly kind to us!
Every last detail has been thought through in this beau­ti­ful vil­la and the posi­tion and views are just per­fect. We walked into Deia every evening for din­ner (and many lunchtimes too!) where you are spoilt for choice of excel­lent restau­rants. Amongst our favourites were Es Raco d’es Teix – taste sen­sa­tion in the most beau­ti­ful court­yard (wor­thy of their Miche­lin star), Hanok Kore­an for authen­tic and intense flavours, cosy atmos­phere with a very per­son­al ser­vice, Sebas­tians for its ele­gance and friend­li­ness and Café Miro for won­der­ful flame lit alfres­co din­ing. The Deia fes­ti­val was on when we were there so there was a great buzz about the place and live music on the week­end evenings which added to the mag­ic of Deia at night.
Due to vis­it­ing Deia before and explor­ing many oth­er vil­lages, we want­ed to relax more this time and Son Jazmin was the per­fect place to do just that. Lots of won­der­ful com­fort­able areas to sit and take in the views and a fab heat­ed pool to laze around hop­ing the don­key will pay you a vis­it! Every room oozes style and qual­i­ty and it feels extreme­ly homely.
The Cala is only a 20 minute walk from the vil­la and is a love­ly place for a swim and a seafood lunch. The walk down the road is cer­tain­ly eas­i­er than the walk back up would be, but we used the foot­path on the way back which was a lot gen­tler and took us to the oth­er side of Deia which allowed us dif­fer­ent views walk­ing back to the vil­la. The vil­lage shop in the cen­tre of the vil­lage stocks every­thing you could need and some very deli­cious wines. The aro­ma from their on-site bak­ery makes it dif­fi­cult to ignore and their pas­tries are just divine!
Deia is a very charm­ing and sedate vil­lage which allows a per­fect relax­ing hol­i­day. It is only a short dis­tance away from many oth­er love­ly vil­lages & towns should you need to ven­ture away at any stage. In our opin­ion it comes alive at night when it’s all lit up and all the won­der­ful restau­rants are lur­ing you in! Son Jazmin is the pre­fect vil­la for a stay here. 

Would we return again – yes!