
“What a fantastic week we had at Son Jazmin!!”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

From the moment Mya met us and showed us round the vil­la we were in heaven.
The wel­come pack, includ­ing a bot­tle of cham­pagne, was the per­fect start to our holiday.
The views from the vil­la are stun­ning and watch­ing the sun­set from the mas­ter bed­room bal­cony each evening was beautiful.
We’ve stayed in many vil­las before but Son Jazmin has by far the most com­fort­able beds and pillows.
We loved all the dif­fer­ent seat­ing areas to gaze out to sea or up to the stun­ning Tra­muntana mountains.
We walked to all the restau­rants in the evening and enjoyed fan­tas­tic meals.
The local bak­ery is well worth a vis­it for pas­tries and deli­cious fruit tarts.
Lots of fun was had in the pool, which has amaz­ing views out to sea and com­fort­able loungers.

All in all, it was per­fect and we hope to return very soon. Thank you Heather.

Review by
Glenda & Steve Metcalfe - West Sussex
Date of stay
Wednesday 4th Sep 2019

“Absolute Wow!!”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

We have stayed in many over­seas rentals over the years and can hon­est­ly say that Son Jazmin was by a far way the best so far! When arriv­ing we were met by Mya who gave us a detailed walk through of the vil­la and also some great advise on the places to see and eat through­out our stay. The qual­i­ty of the bed­ding, tow­els and appli­ances were just so good which is some­thing that you don’t always get when rent­ing homes abroad. The pool, gar­den and views were just some­thing else too and so miss­ing since return­ing home on Saturday.

Thanks to Heather and the team from mak­ing this one to remem­ber, we’ll be back next year for sure!

Review by
K Rowland - Essex
Date of stay
Tuesday 27th Aug 2019

“We loved our stay at Son Jazmin”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

The loca­tion is per­fect, we real­ly enjoyed the walk into Deia and it was good to feel a bit stretched on the way back after all the deli­cious local food.
The house felt real­ly com­fort­able and we loved the beds and pillows! 

Beau­ti­ful views and fan­tas­tic sunsets.

Review by
Candy P - London
Date of stay
Thursday 8th Aug 2019

“Perfect House in a Perfect Location”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Son Jazmin is a very well appoint­ed and beau­ti­ful­ly dec­o­rat­ed house with delight­ful views from every angle. So nice to have wide tran­quill sea views but be less than a 15 minute walk into beau­ti­ful Deia with its fine selec­tion of restaurants. 

A week feels too brief.

Review by
Laurence Z - London
Date of stay
Monday 5th Aug 2019

“A stunning villa! It was even better than I hoped it would be, a dream home with amazing views!”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

We booked this vil­la for a spe­cial birth­day treat. We were hop­ing for a week of sun, relax­ation, good food & wine in love­ly sur­round­ings. Pre­cious fam­i­ly time. We got all the above! I can’t stress enough how per­fect the vil­la was. Spot­less­ly clean & had every­thing you could need. The wel­come ham­per a great touch & the cham­pagne chill­ing wait­ing for your arrival just the per­fect way to start your hol­i­day! The view from the bed in the mas­ter bed­room WOW! The beau­ti­ful sun­sets we sat & watched in the evenings, so spe­cial. There’s always some­where amaz­ing to sit whether in or out of the sun with all the dif­fer­ent ter­races. The pool was awe­some, per­fect tem­per­a­ture & again spot­less­ly clean. We loved it❤️ I enjoyed lying by the pool watch­ing the boats go by with the binoc­u­lars (we found in the cup­board by the WC in the liv­ing area ) So glad we booked this place! Deìa itself is very beau­ti­ful. I com­plete­ly fell in love with it. Only a short walk from the vil­la (we hadn’t hired a car) We ate out every day & each restau­rant was great. The bak­ery was deli­cious too. Real­ly impressed with the shop, well stocked with every­thing you need & good stuff too. Heather was great & easy to con­tact if need­ed before­hand. Mya who showed us round the vil­la was so love­ly, very help­ful & on hand if you need­ed anything. 

Thank you Son Jazmin for amaz­ing mem­o­ries ☀️❤️

Review by
Angie Barclay - Aberdeenshire
Date of stay
Thursday 30th Aug 2018

“April Perfection”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

We agree with all the 5* com­ments made by pre­vi­ous review­ers. Son Jazmin cer­tain­ly sur­passed our expec­ta­tions and we enjoyed a won­der­ful­ly relax­ing and mem­o­rable week — so much so, that we have since rebooked for 2019.
Thank you Heather for allow­ing us to stay in your very styl­ish, spa­cious and lux­u­ri­ous vil­la — per­fect for two cou­ples or an extend­ed fam­i­ly. We appre­ci­at­ed all the work, design, décor and atten­tion to detail that has gone into Son Jazmin. Every­thing was top-notch and just so very comfortable.
We loved all the var­i­ous out­side ter­races, the sea and moun­tain views, the spring plant­i­ng and the fab­u­lous heat­ed pool. To be able to swim sur­round­ed by such stun­ning scenery dur­ing the first week in April, was just bliss. The top ter­race is also a real sun­trap and just so pri­vate with only the don­key to watch us.
As for charm­ing Deia, the vil­lage shop has every­thing you might need and the num­ber and vari­ety of restau­rants with­in walk­ing dis­tance is excel­lent. We tried many dur­ing our stay, with Sebas­tians being our favourite. Do not miss hav­ing lunch at Café Miro, La Res­i­den­cia. It is a must just to expe­ri­ence La Res­i­den­ci­a’s won­der­ful set­ting, gar­dens and views.
We did not need a car and explored fur­ther afield by catch­ing the excel­lent local bus. The bus stop is just a few min­utes walk away at the bot­tom of the hill and costs less than 2euros to vis­it scenic Valldemossa and Soller. We also caught the tram from Soller to Port de Soller, which is a fun and easy thing to do and would have caught the lit­tle train to Pal­ma if there had been more time.
Last­ly, book­ing with the own­er (Heather) was quick, friend­ly and effi­cient. She even organ­ised our taxi trans­fers to and from the air­port, which also helped to make our stay total­ly stress free. The clean­ers did an excel­lent job and the local house­keep­er met us on arrival and was extreme­ly help­ful, infor­ma­tive and only a text mes­sage away.

We high­ly rec­om­mend Son Jazmin and the beau­ti­ful, tran­quil Deia area. A won­der­ful find and we can’t wait to return.

Review by
Madeleine Prout - Cornwall
Date of stay
Wednesday 9th May 2018

“Our four week visit to Son Jazmin”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I think it has all been said before, but the rea­son we chose your love­ly house in Deia was that the reviews we read were all so good.
Every­thing we found was as expect­ed for our stay in February/March 2018.
We espe­cial­ly liked our bed­room and the love­ly ter­races out­side when the sun was shining. 

A real 5* rental. Many thanks.

Review by
Eliza & Nick Cook - Isle of Man
Date of stay
Monday 2nd Apr 2018


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Shel­tered by the rugged moun­tains behind, and the spec­tac­u­lar sea views in front, Son Jazmin is in a stun­ning and peace­ful location.
The vil­la is beau­ti­ful on the out­side, with ter­races on dif­fer­ent lev­els from which to savour the glo­ri­ous views. The accom­mo­da­tion inside is lux­u­ri­ous and spa­cious, and with the finest bed-linen and tow­els. We appre­ci­at­ed the wood-burn­ing stove and cen­tral heat­ing on chilly evenings.
The dream kitchen is so well-equipped, includ­ing a Nespres­so machine – thank you!
We did plen­ty of walk­ing in and around Deia, includ­ing up to the church and down to the beach. The whole area here is mag­i­cal, like step­ping way back into the past.
We bought loaves of rus­ti­ca bread (as good as in France), every day, from the local well stocked mini-mar­ket in Deia vil­lage. They sell fresh­ly made exquis­ite pies and piz­zas as well.
The restau­rant Es Raco d’es Teix (also known as Josef’s) is rec­om­mend­ed; we had their 6 course lunch – the food here matched many fine Paris restaurants.

Our week here in Novem­ber was so spe­cial that we have booked to come again in April and we are count­ing the days until our return.…

Review by
Jane & John Gill - West Sussex
Date of stay
Friday 17th Nov 2017

“Seriously impressive!”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

We were very impressed with the descrip­tion and pho­tographs of Son Jazmin and they cer­tain­ly lived up to their billing. The vil­la is taste­ful­ly and styl­ish­ly fur­nished with stun­ning views from its many ter­races. The views of the moun­tains from the love­ly pool area are almost as enthralling as the sea views at the front. The prop­er­ty man­ag­er is very help­ful and but a text mes­sage away. The walk to the vil­lage is approx­i­mate­ly 20 min­utes and impor­tant­ly is very safe along a light­ed path and board­walk. It was love­ly to be able to walk back under the stars from dinner. 

This was, with­out doubt, one of the nicest vil­las we have ever stayed in.

Review by
Gina Walsh - Dublin
Date of stay
Sunday 30th Jul 2017

“A slice of heaven”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

There was only one prob­lem with Son Jazmin – too many deci­sions. Which patio shall we use this evening to watch the blaz­ing sun van­ish over the Mediter­ranean hori­zon? Where shall we eat tonight? – some­where swish and spoilt for choice in Deia like Jose­f’s (Es Raco d’teix), Sebas­tian’s, or Nama… or maybe a stroll down to the cove, where Robert Graves used to swim, and some­thing a bit more casu­al but equal­ly deli­cious at C’as Patro March, where they filmed scenes for The Night Man­ag­er appar­ent­ly. Or what about a day out – will it be a stroll along Soller mari­na and an al fres­co lunch or what seems like a jour­ney to the bot­tom of the sea in Palma’s huge and extra­or­di­nary fish mar­ket. Seri­ous­ly, this is a slice of heav­en, a lux­u­ry vil­la, perched on a Deia hill­side, with beau­ti­ful seclud­ed gar­dens and ter­rac­ing but open­ing out with a spec­tac­u­lar sea view. Styl­ish and spot­less, it felt like your every need had been antic­i­pat­ed and delivered.

We loved this place.

Review by
Nick & Judith - London
Date of stay
Wednesday 21st Jun 2017

“Beautiful and Perfect!”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

This was our sec­ond stay at Son Jazmin and, like the first, it was per­fect. Son Jazmin has a relaxed, rus­tic feel, with all the mod­ern con­ve­niences. The loca­tion is excellent.
There are three patios, each with a spec­tac­u­lar view of the Mediter­ranean. In the morn­ing the sky is pink and the water is blue, bet­ter than an Impres­sion­is­tic painting.
We’ve stayed at La Res­i­den­cia and rent­ed oth­er hous­es in Deia, but noth­ing com­pares with Son Jazmin. We can’t wait to return.

Final­ly, the own­ers are respon­sive and accom­mo­dat­ing, and the local man­agers are friend­ly and helpful.

Review by
Marty& Susan - California
Date of stay
Thursday 9th Mar 2017

“High Hopes & Expectations — Exceeded!”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

The vil­la is set in a beau­ti­ful, tran­quil loca­tion between the sea and the moun­tains, the sun­sets are amaz­ing! The lay­out and the facil­i­ties are every­thing you could need for relax­ing stay, to the point that we didn’t need – or rather want — to leave the vil­la. Book­ing with the own­er (Heather) is fast, effi­cient & friendly.
We had high hopes and expec­ta­tions for our stay at Son Jazmin and we were not disappointed!

High­ly recommended.

Review by
Anna & Dave - London
Date of stay
Friday 9th Sep 2016