
“A luxury house for all seasons”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Where do I begin regard­ing the beau­ti­ful house in Deia, known as Son Jazmin. I feel com­pelled to write down just how won­der­ful this place is. The moment one turns the key in the door, an instant calm and seren­i­ty sets in. You feel as if you are vis­it­ing a very good old friend who nev­er lets you down.
You are greet­ed by the very wel­com­ing bot­tle of chilled cham­pagne, the gro­ceries and all those lit­tle atten­tions to detail which mean so much. This is not just a hol­i­day home, it is a much loved home where one can com­plete­ly relax know­ing that you are in such good hands. Any­thing you need to know or have a prob­lem with, the prop­er­ty man­ag­er in the vil­lage is more than will­ing to help. They are both friend­ly and very effi­cient. In fact the whole team who help make Son Jazmin so per­fect are just the best and very dis­crete, respect­ing your pri­va­cy at all times. The maids clean the house to per­fec­tion, the gar­den­ers are so atten­tive to every aspect in the beau­ti­ful grounds and the warm pool sparkles in the reflec­tions of the moun­tain­side. The views are just sim­ply sooth­ing, with the sea to the front and the amaz­ing moun­tains and olive groves to the rear. All your cares just drift away. We have hol­i­dayed dur­ing all of the sea­sons over the past ten years and the house is so cosy and warm in the win­ter after your sun­ny day out on near desert­ed roads and qui­et beach­es. The spring light is so clear and per­fect for those more ardu­ous but incred­i­ble walks. Sum­mer, the pool, the bbq’s, the sun, the stars, the Cala, and the Miche­lin stared restau­rants with­in a fif­teen minute walk, but most of all the sun­sets right in front of you as you sip your G and T on one of many ter­races think­ing of the next per­fect day to come and then retir­ing to your cool air con­di­tioned bed­room with a true feel­ing of con­tent­ment. The fall is still warm and gra­cious with the ever chang­ing colours of those out­stand­ing vistas.
The house is fur­nished with a great pas­sion, flair for detail and excep­tion­al com­fort. Each year upon our return we have seen fur­ther invest­ments being put back into this house in one way or another.
This house, the posi­tion in which it stands and the sur­round­ing area make your whole hol­i­day just sim­ply one of the best ever.

I defy any­one not to be total­ly enchant­ed by Son Jazmin.

Review by
Mike & Pauline - Cheshire
Date of stay
Monday 8th Aug 2011

“A Perfect Holiday”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Our fam­i­ly has stayed at Hotel Es Moli in Deia for the last nine years and thor­ough­ly enjoyed the experience.
In order to con­tin­ue our asso­ci­a­tion with beau­ti­ful Deia we chose this year to try rent­ing a vil­la in the same region with our adult fam­i­ly and we were not disappointed!
Son Jazmin more than lived up to our expec­ta­tions in every respect. The over­all design, decor and gen­er­al lay­out is excep­tion­al The sev­er­al lev­els, patios and many seat­ing areas includ­ing the pool­side allowed pri­va­cy when need­ed for us all.
The views over the sea are spec­tac­u­lar and the 7 days of bril­liant weath­er pro­vid­ed some amaz­ing sun­sets pri­or to our reg­u­lar vis­its to the vil­lage for dinner.
The new kitchen and bath­rooms are beau­ti­ful­ly appoint­ed with every con­ve­nience but the ice machine was a great hit.
We dined at Cos­ta D’Or, Sa Vinya, Xeli­ni (Tapas) and of course the very mem­o­rable Sebas­tians which came up to it’s usu­al very high stan­dard and atmosphere!
We would will­ing rec­om­mend this vil­la to our friends pro­vid­ing that we always get first pick! 

A very relax­ing and sat­is­fy­ing experience.

Review by
BC & Annie Derby - Derbyshire
Date of stay
Monday 8th Aug 2011

“A real gem of a villa”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

A real gem of a vil­la, sit­u­at­ed in an ele­vat­ed posi­tion, in an area that we con­sid­er to be one of the most scenic loca­tions on the island. The acco­mo­da­tion is thought­ful­ly laid out, beau­ti­ful­ly fur­nished, and has many dif­fer­ent ter­races offer­ing ous­tand­ing views of both the Tra­muntana moun­tains and the sea. The sun­sets are spec­tac­u­lar from the vil­la ter­races on a warm sum­mers evening, where you can dine al fres­co or bar­be­cue. The prop­er­ty is in a very qui­et and pri­vate loca­tion, not over­looked, yet offers easy access by car or on foot to Deia vil­lage and it’s range of restau­rants, shops and bars. From the vil­la, you can also access Deia cove on foot and walk the beau­ti­ful cliff top paths to Llu­cal­cari and beyond, for the more energetic.

We love our hol­i­days here, and feel com­pelled to return each year!

Review by
Mick & Kim - Surrey
Date of stay
Monday 8th Aug 2011
1 3 4 5